Relationship Fundamentals You Absolutely Should Have | Asian Date

Relationship Fundamentals You Absolutely Must Have

There are a lot of different elements that we look for in a perfect match. Some of them are negotiable. For example, we can do without being too specific with our match’s hair color. We may prefer blond, but if a special person with brown hair comes along, then we won’t mind. But, there are elements, also known as relationship fundamentals, that we cannot compromise on.

How Many Relationship Fundamentals Are In Your Partnership?

The elements that go deeper than looks should never be adjusted just for the sake of being in a relationship. We all deserve someone who can love and care for us, as well as give us the following relationship fundamentals:


Trust is a non-negotiable fundamental that will allow your relationship to flourish when it is present. Both parties have to trust each other, whether they are in each other’s presence or not.


You shouldn’t be in a relationship that’s boring and stiff. You should be able to laugh with and at your partner. Because you two are in a relationship, you should be as one, not minding each other’s faults and just laughing at mistakes that are too silly for words. Humor also makes you feel more connected with each other. It fosters the friendship aspect of the relationship.

Compassion & Respect

When one person in the relationship is down, it’s important for the other to boost this person up. Compassion is all about showing kindness and understanding when one person is struggling or has a problem. Compassion can also foster respect, and it can make your partner feel safe to be with you.


For most people, it is ironic to say that you need freedom when you’re in a relationship. The truth is, you actually do. You should have the freedom to be yourself. You should think of your relationship and make it a priority, but you should have enough room to grow as your own person.

Learn To Nurture These Relationship Fundamentals

How many relationship fundamentals do you spot in your own partnership? If your answer is “not a lot,” then you know that you have more room to grow as a couple. Don’t give up on your relationship just yet. It just means that you haven’t reached a point where you and your partner are more connected. Put in the right amount of effort and you will eventually get there. For more dating tips, read other posts on the blog.