Basic Relationship Boundaries You Need To Establish Right Away | Asian Date

Basic Relationship Boundaries You Need To Establish Right Away

When you have finally met the person you match well will on this site, you don’t think about anything else other than loving the person. Of course, you just want to enjoy your new partner’s company. And there’s nothing wrong with doing this. However, at some point, you have to set basic relationship boundaries.

Basic Relationship Boundaries Should Be Set At The Right Time

There are a few things you need to know about basic relationship boundaries. There are three main types that you have to set to make sure that your relationship is healthy:

Emotional Boundaries

When you set emotional boundaries, it’s not really depriving your partner from your love or affection. It’s about allowing the person to love at his or her own pace. If your partner is not ready to say “I love you” yet, don’t force it. Also, you both have to allow yourselves to be your own person.

Physical Boundaries

Physical intimacy should never be rushed. Yes, you are already partners but you have to take it slow when it comes to this aspect. Allow the other person some time if he or she is not ready yet. The same goes when talking about holding hands, hugging, or kissing. Take it slow.

Digital Boundaries

In this day and age, it’s important to have digital boundaries as well. This is something that should be discussed. Both of you should maintain a comfortable level of privacy online. For example, you should keep your passwords to yourselves. It may be alright for both of you to declare your relationship online, but talk about what you can and cannot post.

Other questions you may ask are: Is it okay to use each other’s mobile phones? Is it alright to post photos of us as a couple?

Basic Relationship Boundaries Are About Respect

Setting basic relationship boundaries is not about control. It’s not about dictating how one person must act. It’s all about respecting the individuality of one person. Yes, it’s possible to be in a relationship and still maintain one’s own identity. For more relationship tips and reviews, read other posts on the blog.