AsianDate's Advice: Should You Accept Your Flaws Or Change?

AsianDate’s Advice: Should You Accept Your Flaws Or Change?

As a person, every single of us absolutely needs to change for the better whenever that is possible, but, at the same time, accept the things we cannot change. Two of these actions seem like they contradict each other, don’t you agree? How can you change when you have to accept the things that you cannot change? It doesn’t make sense, but to grow as a person and to be ready for serious relationships, you will have to agree we have to do both, and that is the basis of this AsianDate’s Advice.

AsianDate’s Advice: How To Change Your Flaws And Accept What You Cannot Change

Let’s apply these actions to a hypothetical scenario when we are in a relationship. We need to talk about this because, most of the time, people tend to change for the sake of pleasing other people.

They misunderstand the concept of change and acceptance. Let’s simplify it right now.

AsianDate’s Advice On Changing

First of all, why do we need to change? Of course, we need to do it to better ourselves. Please remember this. If there’s nothing wrong with you, it’s common sense to say that you don’t need to change for the better, right?

Your positive traits, for example, are things that you don’t need to change. While, your negative traits, your weaknesses, and your shortcomings are things that you need to work on, definitely.

All of this means that you need to clearly see what you need to change and what you don’t. When you see what your weaknesses are, aim to change them so you can be a better person.

It’s the same when you’re in a relationship. When you know the characteristics you have compliment the traits of your partner, don’t change one bit. But, if you see that some of your traits will affect your relationship in a bad way, you have to consider dropping bad habits, keeping your mouth shut, or simply walking away from an argument, for example.

AsianDate’s Advice On Acceptance

Next is acceptance. What should you accept in yourself or in your relationship? The things that you should accept are the things that you cannot force. One primary indicator that you have to accept cards you’ve been dealt is if you’ve made every effort possible to make things happen, but it just won’t happen.

For example, if you’ve had several AsianDate’s already and have not had any luck with finding a match, it’s time to accept that what you’re doing may not be working for you and you have to change your game. Do you get the point?

When you’ve done all the necessary steps and still nothing is happening, you have to accept what you’ve been dealt, and then move on to things that you can change.

You Cannot Grow Without Change And Acceptance

As mentioned earlier, you cannot grow as a person or improve your relationships when you do not practice both acceptance and change. You’ll need your wisdom to know what needs to change and what you need to accept, so you have to be more self-aware starting today – for yourself and for your future relationships.

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